frequently asked questions

where are you currently sourcing your coffee?

Our selection of beans is always changing and so are our sources.

What is Roast to Order?

Roast to Order means your beans aren't roasted until you order them. We roast on Sundays and ship out your order the next business day, ensuring you the freshest beans we can deliver.

are your coffees certified organic?

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do you sell decaf coffee?

Bless your heart. No.

do you offer dark, medium, and light roasts?

Our goal as a small family run operation is to bring you a curated selection of beans we all personally want to drink. This means we want to highlight to bean itself! That is why we are currently only offering Medium roasts.

Medium roast is an excellent middle ground between showcasing the skill of the roaster while preserving the natural flavor profile of the bean.

what are flavor profiles and flavor notes? do you add flavorings to your coffees?

Flavor profiles and notes tend to refer to the coffee flavor wheel, a joint effort by The Specialty Coffee Association of America and World Coffee Research. The coffee flavor wheel is supposed to include the entire sensory experience possible in a cup of coffee with 169(!) attributes. These attributes even include aromatics--notes you will only detect with your nose! We strongly suggest taking a look at the flavor wheel simply because it's fun and colorful; learning more about how coffee is described is a fringe benefit.

We won't tell you how to fix up your mug of coffee, but we won't be adding any flavorings to our roasts.

Are your beans single origin or blends?

All our beans are currently single origin.

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